Friday 19 September 2014

Task 2 and Task 3 -In Camera Editing

Development Editing Techniques
In-camera Editing is a technique of video production, in which the camera operator shoots the shots in the extract order that they will be viewed in. In addition, in camera editing was a technique used in a great deal in the early days of film making before ‘splicing’ (the art of cutting connecting film strip) became easier. Furthermore, in-camera editing films are ‘edited’ by simply switching on and off the camera to enable them do different scenes in the film. The process of In Camera editing takes immense amount of planning, this is because so that the the shot that are filmed, are the ones that will be viewed in directly that order
In conclusion, one of the most famous in- camera editors was George Melies, which was a magician who had seen the films made by the Lumiere brothers. So therefore he saw at once the possibilities of a novelty more than just a motion itself. In 1890, he made ‘The Vanishing Lady’ using a technique known as “In camera editing”. It was rumoured that he discovered the art of motion purely by accident when a camera of his broke down for a brief second.One of the pro for In Camera editing is that it takes a small period of time to create the film as the camera helps edit the film for the user  therefore you do not need to editing your film on the computer which means that it doesn’t have to take up a long time. Additionally, a pro for In Camera editing is when a person is filming, it makes a continuous film clip without no jumps from scenes to scenes, which allows the film to show smoothly. On the other hand, one of the cons of In Camera editing is that if a film scene goes wrong, they cannot go back to do any changes for their mistake. For example, during the time of my film in my group, I remembered how I made a mistake in one scene when talking and we had to delete the one I made the mistake in and had to start again which is the negative side of doing In Camera editing.Another con of In Camera editing is that is very difficult to communicate with one another because during the time of our filming in my group, we found it very difficult to communicate with one another while filming which meant that our film wasn’t that good due to lack of communication

George Melies
vanishing Lady
This is a piece of our in-camera editing :

My in- camera editing analysis
In our camera editing shot, I managed to use different types of shots like, mid-shots, close-up shots, long shots and wide shots which suggest that I was better than my last film making shot, which shows the improvement of my skills in camera editing.
We were able to produce a really good piece of film making, as we were able to act out our piece of film clip very well, we were able to do this because we worked as a team, motivated one another and was able to cooperate as a team.

Our ideas and creativity meant that we were able to make a really good piece of film without the help of the teacher. In addition, our body language was very composed and our stage direction was express very well during the processes of our film making. we were able to get the right shot and had a strong and good camera angle, in addition our timing when stopping a shot and starting in was on time which was really good.
on the other hand, things we have to improve on as a team is our communication skill and camera man skills. I need to be able to communicate with everyone on my team which which enable us to have a good team chemistry and if each person in my team could improve on our camera skills this means that we don't have to rely on one person but means that we are all able to use the camera which means that we're not limited when it come to using the camera. Due us not having a good communication skills that we needed, this lead to miss communication in our film making scene.
I personally believe everyone,including me has improved in our acting skills since we started media because in our fist film making we could see that some of us including me wasn't confident in our acting skills and wasn't confident speaker when it came to film making whereas now we we're able to speak loud, confidently and was able to perform a well made in-camera editing   

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