Saturday 20 September 2014

Task 4: From Analogue to digital editing

 Analogue Editing 

Analogue editing was before all the new technology we have today where you can easily and quite quickly edit a movie. In times when analogue editing was used, one would create a film through having a razor blade and a diagonal splicing block. After the tape was cut where it needed cutting, it would have to be taped back together, which would be repeated over and over again until a film was created. furthermore, analogue editing is the cutting together of pieces of celluloid film also traditionally films are made up images printed to acetate negatives. These are then 'spliced' together to form a real film. These are then feed through a projector at a constant speed of 29 frames a second which makes the picture appear to be moving. This method is known as analogue.  
Analogue editing was around before it improved into digital editing. Before computers were created they used analogue editing which was all done by hand, there was nothing done by using software. You had a copy of the positive film where all the footage went onto when it was filmed. They then cut the film in different parts using a splicer and pasted it onto different pieces of film to create the cutaways. With analogue editing it then had to be fed through a machine, this shows how much the editing techniques has changed over the years how now it can all be done on a computer and no messing around is needed.

The Moviola 
A Moviola is a device that allows a film editor to view film while editing. It was the first machine for motion picture editing when it was invented by Iwan Serrurier in 1924. Moviola the company is still in existence and is located in Hollywood where part of the facility is located on one of the original Moviola factory floors. The Moviola was the first machine used for feature length motion picture editing.

Video editing
Before digital technologies became available magnetic tape were used to store information, these is known as a video tape. video editing is the process of editing segment of these tapes using a device that mechanically puts pieces of video tape together. The films has to be edited in the correct or this called Linear editing. Linear editing is a post production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sounds in a ordered sequence.

Digital editing
digital media is a form of electronic media where data are stored in digital (as opposed to analogue forms). Digital editing is the use of computers to order and manipulate this digital data. There are many different editing programs such as : Adobe premier, Avid, final cut pro. Furthermore, digital film making uses bits and bytes (strings of Is and Ds ) to record, transmit and reply images, instead of chemicals on films. The whole process is electronic so there is no printing or ''splicing'' involved.
Digital editing soon over took video editing as it is much quicker and therefore cheaper. The biggest pro is that you can edit digitally in any order. Digital editing easy to undo any film error.

Non-linear editing
non-linear editing is a method that allows you to access any frame in a digital video clip regardless of sequence in the clip. The freedom to access any frame, and use a cut-and-paste method, similar to the ease of cutting and pasting text in a word processor, and allows you to easily include fades, transitions, and other effects that cannot be achieved with linear editing. You can edit a sequence from the end of the film before you have started editing the first scene. The process uses electronic files so it is easy as cutting and pasting in a world document

There are many cons and pros for analogue and digital editing. One of the pros of the Analogue editing is that is much more quicker when editing because those who film it loves to take their time when filming but this allows them to have only one shot when filming. Additionally, it is safe when editing with analogue, because the film wouldn’t be stored on the computer which means that the film that was edited can’t get misplaced. However, one of the cons of analogue editing is that if there’s a mistake taking place during the time of the filming, you cannot go back and make any editing changes which means that the film that’s produced will not be as good as it should be. Furthermore, communication will be a con for example when someone is editing and they say “action” you’ll not be able to cut their voice out which will mess up the final film piece.

There are some cons and pros of Digital editing. One of the cons of digital editing is that you might find it too difficult when it comes to editing the film as it is very difficult to use. Also, due to it allow us to edit the same clip multiple times; people may take advantage when filming which will take a long time to finish editing. Furthermore, due to digital editing depending on technology, users have to make sure that the technology they are using doesn’t have a fault while they are editing because this may meant that the film editing they did may get misplaced which is very bad for users as it means that they have to start all over again. However the pros of digital editing are that users can put their film clips however they want when editing and doesn’t have to film their clips in order as they could edit it in order on digital editing. Furthermore, this will mean they get a longer time to edit without rushing their work. 

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